How to Integrate PayPal Payment Gateway In PHP
What exactly is a Payment Gateway?
Payment Gateway is a link between both the credit card holder and the credit card company in order to set up a secure connection for the exchange of data.
This system securely transmits the credit card data of the user to the credit card company for processing and then returns transaction details and the bank’s response.
What is the PayPal payment gateway?
PayPal, the American international e-commerce company enables Internet-based payments and money transfers. It is the world’s most popular payment gateway for sending and receiving payments. The easiest method for a web developer to integrate a payment system on a website is the PayPal payment gateway.
The PayPal Standard Payment Gateway is the fastest way for accepting online payments. When purchasing a product online, the customer can make the payment through the website. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate the standard PayPal payment gateway in PHP and store money transfer data in the database using PayPal IPN. The below given step-by-step guide on PayPal Payment gateway integration in PHP will assist you in integrating the online payment functionality into your web project.
The example script will include the following functionality to show the PayPal Payment Gateway integration.
- Obtain the products mentioned on the web page with the PayPal Buy button from the database.
- The Buy button directs the buyer to PayPal to complete the transaction.
- After payment, the buyer will be redirected to the website, where the payment information will be displayed.
- Through the PayPal IPN, transaction data is stored in the database.
Integrating the PayPal Payment Gateway with PHP
PayPal provides a virtual platform for safe and secure online money transactions.
PayPal is the most straightforward method for web developers to integrate a payment system into Web applications.
PayPal service:
It uses its own gateway, known as Pay flow, for the transaction. It is both free and paid, depending on the merchant.
Language used in the PayPal Payment gateway
Front-end code is composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while the application layer is written in Java and Node J.S.
How to Incorporate?
Here is a detailed guide on how to implement this into your web applications.
You must implement the following features for a payment gateway.
- Prepare the HTML form for credit card information collection.
- Create a Stripe token to transmit card information securely.
- Submit card information via the form.
- Card verification and processing of charges.
- Insert payment information into the database so that the user’s status can be displayed.
It utilizes the Sandbox and Real-Time environments.
Sandbox is a self-contained virtual environment that simulates the live environment, allowing developers to test transactions without affecting any actual PayPal accounts.
Real-time indicates when your application will be made available online. After coding and debugging all PayPal API in the sandbox, transfer your application to the PayPal production environment.
Integrating the PayPal Payment Gateway with PHP.
1. Establish a Sandbox Account
Create a Sandbox Account in order to test your code. Please visit this link in order to create an account.
2. Create the Index.php
Now you must create a display output or index file, which will retrieve and display all product records from the database.
3. Create a file named success.php
Now we must create a success file to identify your payment once your transaction has been completed successfully and returned here. Remember that if the transaction is successful, the gateway will return the following information:
- Transaction ID
- Item number
- Amount
- Currency Code
- Payment Status
Keeping this in mind, you must now compose your code.
4. Create a file named Cancel.php
We must also create a cancel file that will redirect here when a transaction is canceled.
5. Go Live
Once everything is functioning properly, including the payment processing flow, you can go live with your PHP code. Simply switch from sandbox mode to live mode.
The PayPal payment gateway is the simplest method for accepting payments on a website. Adding the PayPal payment API to your website is easy with our step-by-step guide.